Thursday, September 26, 2013

(TV Review) Breaking Bad- Granite State (9.22.13)

It's hard to write these little snippets about a show that you really don't want to think about ending. But ending it is. The series finale is next Sunday and I think that Granite State set the tone perfectly for the series finale. While this episode was slower than some, it spoke volumes about where Walt is (mentally) and how he gets to the place that we see him in the flash forward from the front of the season. All I can say is that it is going to be a hell of a finale. *spoilers and predictions below*

Walt is hiding out with Saul's man waiting to get his new identity and leave Albuquerque. He's joined by none other than Saul himself who is also on the run from the authorities due to his connection with Heisenberg. Walt is angry, particularly at Todd's uncle for taking most of his money. He wants Saul to help him get it back but Saul's advice is to turn himself in before the police turn on his family. When Walt is finally relocated, he finds himself living in a cabin on a snowy piece of land in New Hampshire. Saul's man comes once a month with food and the like but Walt is basically a self-exiled prisoner unable to venture off his property for fear of being recognized. He seems ready to pack it in but comes full circle after seeing his former business partners on TV. -

Thoughts? So what have we learned about or good buddy Walt? The same thing that we have always known to be true. The same thing that has been the cause of his greatest accomplishments and his greatest downfall. His pride. Hubris. His inability to let things "slide". His addiction to recognition. Walt is addicted to pride like Jesse was to meth. It's a sickness. It's his real cancer.

Walt, while being left to rot in his "safe house" seemingly broke and was over it all. He tried to reach out to his son to help pass along the money to his family (after learning that they have fallen on hard times since he left) and after he tries to explain the way things happened like they did his son begs him to just die and to never bother them again. Walt was finished. It was over. He called the cops and told them where he was....and then he saw something on TV. His former partners at GrayMatter was doing an interview. Not only were they giving away/donating $28M to combat drug addiction and substance abuse (like $28M was nothing) but they stated that the only thing that Walt contributed to the company was the name. His genius is what started the company...and he was reduced to a foot note. An addendum. And somewhere in the back of his mind, somewhere in the darkest parts of what's left of his soul, he heard the faint whispers of the devil, the soothing tones of Heisenberg....and it felt good. And so he is off. Back to New Mexico. Back to take back what is his. He is going to destroy everything in his path, including himself, and I can't wait to see it.



- I'm sticking with most of my earlier predictions.
- Walt will kill Lydia with the ricin
- Walt will kill all of Uncle Jack's team
- Walt will free Jesse
- Jesse will kill Todd
- Jesse will kill Walt for what has happened to Jane and Andrea.
- Walt will make Jesse promise to give Skyler and his kids the money that he earned (probably giving half of it to Jesse)
- Jesse, since that FREAK Todd shot Andrea in cold blood, will raise Brock.

Now, there are some out there that think that Todd will finally make a move on Lydia, she will reject him, Todd will kill her, and after it is all over with Walt will use the Ricin on himself...but I don't see it going that way. It might, who knows, but I am sticking with my theory.

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