Storyline: A young man who survives a disaster at sea is hurtled into an epic journey of adventure and discovery. While cast away, he forms an unexpected connection with another survivor: a fearsome Bengal tiger. -
Ok. So I am sure that you have all either already seen this movie or, at the very least, seen multiple commercials for the film. It is not like I am really going to be spoiling much by talking about it. I, within a few minutes of the shipwreck, knew that he was using this story as a way to tell about the people that survived with him and what happened. So the big heartfelt reveal at the end was not really as big of a payoff as it probably was to some.
On the plus side, the movie was BEAUTIFUL...but all of the beautiful stuff was CGI, so it kind of takes the shine off of some of it. If not for the CGI, you would have been stuck with this. And this looks stupid.
So, what did I think? Eh. It's ok. Long. Very pretty. But ultimately it left a lot to be desired. The story gets so damn convaluted that you have a hard time taking it seriously enough to not laugh. But again, some extremely beautiful shots.
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