Some people are born to do certain things. Steven Tyler was born to scream at the top of his lungs during songs, Ron Jeremy was born to do adult movies. Paul Rudd was born to make people laugh. I have rarely seen a movie that I did not absolutely love him in. He gets comedy in a way that I don't think many actors do these days. Such a talent and someone that should (but will not) be given more credit in Hollywood.
Storyline: Pete (Rudd) and Debbie (Mann) are hitting a rut in their lives. They are both turning 40 this week (Debbie claims that she is only 38) and Debbie thinks that it is time to make some changes in their marriage. Eating better. Working out. Spending more quality time together. But when the changes don't come as easily as Debbie hoped they would, the couple continues to go through problems which culminates in a life altering change.
Worth the admission? Absolutely! It's a bit long, but more of a great thing makes this is a positive in my opinion. This movie is extremely funny. It's filled with plenty of bad language, but the jokes associated with the bad language are side splitting. Some people will argue the point that cussing is pointless in a "smart comedy" but I honestly think that it serves a particular purpose in this movie. It adds to the state of frustration that both Pete and Debbie are experiencing. I would recommend this movie to anyone that is in the mood for a good laugh.
As a side note, the kids in the movie are actually the children of Judd Apatow and Leslie Mann. They actually have great comedic timing and I think that they will follow in the foot steps of their talented parents.
My only critique of this movie is that Leslie Mann, yet again, provides a CGI topless shot. It is so stupid to do. If the scene calls for a topless shot, then the actress should pull her big girl panties up and do the shot....not CGI I the shot. If the scene DOESN'T require it, then don't go through the trouble of trying to trick the audience. Just a small gripe, but still...
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