Friday, August 24, 2012

(Movie Review) The Campaign (2012)

Small doses. That is usually the setting that Ferrell and Galifianakis do their best work. Ferrell’s work on Saturday Night Live and movies like Old School make him stand out from the crowd, same goes for Galifianakis in movies like The Hangover, but you give them a movie where they are the lead and they tend to become overwhelming. Granted, this is just my personal reaction to them, I’m sure plenty of people love them in lead roles. So I was less than excited when I heard about this movie. I figured that it would be a few stupid jokes about the political make-up of the country and that would be about it. I’m happy to say that I was more than impressed with the comedy that this movie offered up.

Storyline: Congressman Cam Brady (Ferrell) is on the cusp of winning another term in office due to running unopposed. When two CEOs decide that his time as congressman should end they begin to back local Tourism Director Marty Huggins (Galifianakis) to run against Cam. After being publicly embarrassed numerous times by Cam, Marty decides that it is time to take the gloves off and start playing dirty. Huggins has to find a way to beat Congressman Brady at his own game without becoming the monster that he is trying to defeat.

This movie is GOLD to me. Not only has it been a while since I have laughed this hard at either of these actors, but the movie itself could not be any more perfect. Galifianakis walking around with that sweater and fanny pack on, Ferrell channeling his inner politician to give some of the best comedic political speeches since his days of impersonating George W. Bush on Saturday Night Live, and the general writing of the movie is great. I laughed a lot in this movie and I would bet that you will too.

Worth the admission? Does Marty Huggins love a Pug? Absolutely! I think that this comedy is more accurate about politics than most political dramas out there. I fully believe that those running for office tend to square off before hand, while smiling for the cameras, and talk “trash” to each other. Comedies are rarely really funny these days. Think about it. When is the last time that you just laughed your head off in a movie? Usually only gross out comedies make much money at all in the Box Office now. This movie, while FILLED with adult language, contains very little (if any) gross out comedy. Way more tame than movies like The Hangover 2, but a lot funnier for those that like exaggerated political humor. And with the elections coming up soon, who wouldn’t enjoy an exaggerated political comedy?

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