Wednesday, April 4, 2012

(TV REVIEW) Bones: Season 7 Premiere

So, I have been waiting for Bones to come back on for a while now (it has been on break longer than normal due to Emily being pregnant) and Monday night it finally came back on. The episode was OK, but the whole thing about  *spoilers below*

them giving birth in a manger, because the Inn was full....really? That is REALLY heavy handed and just beats you over the head with an analogy.

I have been aggravated about this show for a while now. After years of this show playing the "will they, won't they" angle they finally pay off the big hookup...OFF SCREEN? Come on! That is just cheap!

And B&B have great chemistry when it comes to being flirty/caring co-workers, but they suck as a couple. They act like buddies that tell each other "love you" every once in a while. After their baby popped out Booth says "We're a family now" and he could have said "I want a sandwich now" with the exact same amount of emotion.

The show can be better than this. It was never written to be taken too seriously, but has always been a good way to waste an hour. Now, I don't know if I will keep the faith and watch every week.

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