Why is it that Julianne Moore has to show her boobs in almost everything that she is in? Who sat down one day with the director and said "you know what? I could stand to see me some boobs that looks like old fried eggs hanging on a nail. Something really pancake-ish". I then imagine that they both looked at each other and said "JULIANNE MOORE"! Granted that they are only in a fraction of a scene, but still. Ew. She is gross to me. In the way that her whole body looks like one giant freckle with teeeeeeny tiiiiny pieces of Elmer's Glue colored skin peaking through. In short. I find her repulsive. Now on to the movie.
Storyline: Nic (Bening) and Jules (Moore) are a lesbian couple that have raised two teenage children, Laser (Hutchernson) and Joni (Wasikowska), after they both gave birth to one child each via sperm received from a sperm donor. The teens become curious about their biological father and reach out to the sperm donor to arrange a meeting. Paul (Ruffalo) is introduced to the children and later to Nic and Jules. While Raul, Jules and the kids all hit it off, Nic is hesitant. Paul, now a new part of the family's life, exposes some very deep problems that are already going on with the family and are now being brought to light.
Thoughts? The movie was alright. It had some comedy and posed a few interesting problems, but it almost made EVERY character unlikeable in the end. Nic as an over controlling partner with a drinking problem, Jules as a confused lesbian (and *SPOILER* I thought that her cheating with a man to be a slap in the face to lesbians everywhere) and Paul as a dirt bag with no respect for the existing family structure. I mean, seriously, they made almost EVERY man in this movie look like complete sh**. Paul almost ruins the family, Laser is a jerk, and Laser's friend is a little psycho path. If this was a movie about making characters that people want to hate, it succeeded.
It has been out a while, so most that are going to see it have probably seen it. If you are like me and just put it on the back burner, it might be worth a peek. Check it out on netflix.
PS. If the part about what the lesbian couple watches while in bed is true....I know much less about people than I thought.
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