Thursday, January 12, 2012

(Movie Review) Another Earth

I have been waiting for this movie to come out for a while now. I saw a preview on an indie movie almost one year ago and I have been patiently waiting for it to hit DVD. I didn't even know it had until I visited my local redbox and saw it in the new release section. All I can say is that the time waited was well worth it.

Plot: On the night of the discovery of a duplicate planet in the solar system, an ambitious young student and an accomplished composer cross paths in a tragic accident. - provided by IMDB

The plot summery above is an incredibly simple description of the movie. This film has a lot of emotion and a lot imagination. One of my favorite topics is the idea that we are part of a multi-verse. This movie takes that idea one step further and implies that there is a mirrored earth twin that is the exact same as our planet, and that the inhabitants are almost EXACT replicas of us. The only difference is that since there is "free will" then some small decisions made by each Earths inhabitants has caused them to be slightly different.

I loved it. I don't think that you will find a more original movie that has been released in 2011. You need to be completely open minded when going into it, but the movie is great! Check it out!

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